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We Preach It... But Do We Practice It?

We all can dream but how do you bring that spark into a blazing fire? By ACTION.

We tell our children & students to fail forward, be risk takers, try the new thing, DREAM BIG, the SKY is the LIMIT, but do we actually practice those things ourselves?

After a bit of reflection after talking with a co-worker who said, "I'm not going to read your blog until you put yourself out there on Twitter." I realized that fear of criticism had me paralyzed to take action on getting my glitter out there. How can I tell my children & students to "just go for it" & "fear is a liar" if I am letting it stop me in my tracks? Heck, I helped my students start a coffee shop where the primary message that they created is "Dream Big & Just Go For It"

I am one to be a risk taker & am not scared to try new things. So why is telling actual people, "Hey, humans, here are some tricks of the trade I've found helpful, see if this can work for you too", so stinkin' difficult?

Tara Martin had tweeted a few weeks ago the quote, "If you have no critics you'll likely have no success" & then Dave Burgess tweeted a quote from Steven King, "Amateurs sit & wait for inspiration, the rest of us get up & go to work. And lastly, my new work bestie said her thing (to share my ideas on Twitter if I want them to be heard). I was like okay...I'm just going to go for it because I can't preach this stuff to humans who look up to me & sometimes say "thanks for the inspo" if I don't take some type of action on the stuff I preach day in and day out.

So how do we take that fear & squash it? I'm thinking by LEVELING UP & getting uncomfortable for a bit. Adam Welcome says all. the. time. that "Nothing can come out of staying comfortable." I mean each goal is a stepping stone to another goal that will eventually lead to a mega achievement. When the confidence is achieved with one goal, it's time to step it up to the next level. Creating the blog = comfortable. Sharing the blog = makes me want to puke. So, I'm just going to do the 5 Second Rule strategy I learned from Mel Robins & 5-4-3-2-1& go for it.

I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Someone reads it & says my stuff sucks or my thoughts are stupid. I guess they don't have to use it or read what I write if they don't like it...right? What can happen if I don't put it out there? Absolutely NOTHING.

So, if I can bust out of my comfort zone, so can you. Just like Tara says in her books, Cannonball In & Be REAL: Educate from the Heart, just #cannonballin. Really, the stomach butterflies will eventually go away & then it will be time to LEVEL UP again with a new goal.

What is that little spark you have that you really kinda want to throw some gasoline on? What can you do to take where you are to the next level? Just 5-4-3-2-1, CANNONBALLIN & GLITTER!



PS. Thanks Brittany for pushing me off the diving board & for coaching me through the fear of climbing the ladder.

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