Guh. Who would've thought that we, as adults, would have to give ourselves permission to do the things we want to do or really for that matter, NEED to do?
With taking bits & pieces of Daring Classrooms, a branch off of Dare to Lead by Brene' Brown, this concept came full circle. Here I am teaching the art of permission slips & I failed to give myself permission to do what I probably, in reality, needed to do for myself.
Backstory, for you newbies: I teach a Transition Studies class to Juniors & Seniors. Which is awesome because we can get real & talk real life things as they are happening to us & for us.
On this particular day we were digging into day 2 of Daring Classrooms & it was our second day starting off the class with our regular daily dose of gratitude with the add-on of permission slips.
At this very moment is when I realized a few things. 1. I failed to really really give the purpose behind permission slips when I introduced the concept & 2. I failed at giving myself permission to take a much needed mental health day.
It went down like this:
"Ugh, Toebben. I hate permission slips."
"Yeah, I know. It's a hard skill because you gotta look deep within yourself. But it's a life skill & I gotta make sure you have the tools you need to push past hard stuff. For example, I should've gave myself permission to stay at home today to process the loss of a friend. I'm mentally &
physically exhausted. But, I didn't & here I am giving you guys what is left of me instead of all of me. Permission slips can be the same everyday until we need or want something different."
"Oh, I'm sorry that you lost your friend. But now I get it."
He went on to write his permission slip for the day- I give myself permission to move forward.
On that day, I forced myself to get up and workout. To actually get ready for work, instead of wearing yoga pants & a school spirit shirt. So in essence, I gave myself permission to move forward after the mega draining previous few days & share my story which in turn, encouraged one of my students (hopefully all of them) to strengthen their mind muscle through this practice of permission slips.
Why do we fail at this concept of doing what is best for us, speaking up in a collaborative group on an idea we have, or even taking the time in our day to do the things that bring us joy?
Here's the deal. You have great things to offer this world. Give yourself permission to push past whatever it is that is keeping you from doing what ever it is that speaks to your heart.
Twitter @teach_n_boots
PS. Resources for how I am implementing #daringclassrooms can be found in the resource section. I'm adding to it as we work through it. The convos have been absolutely amazing!
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