I not sure about you, but if it can be dipped, I'm gunna dip it & if RANCH is involved - sign me up!
Veggies & Ranch...ummm ok, I'll eat the healthy stuff
Chicken Wings & Ranch -yes please (naked healthy wings, of course)
Maybe even pizza & Ranch...just kidding...kinda.
Here is the deal about Ranch. It can make veggies tolerable & can add the little extra to the other yummy stuff.
I know what you are thinking..."Where is she going with this?"
Hear me out.
Teacher burn out. It is real. I saw a post on the Gram the other day that stated, "48 states reported shortages of special education teachers in the 2016-2017 school year. Humans. That IS a problem. Is it the crappy environment? Is it lack of resources? Is it too much stuff on the plate of the teacher? The feeling of not being good enough? The stress of carrying around the baggage of the humans we want to save? Let's not even talk about the hours spent writing IEP's & making sure you didn't leave anything out on he accomd/mods page due to humans who just can't seem to do what's best for kids. (ok rant over) Maybe all of the above. I don't know. I don't know your situation but I do know what mine was & how I took a hold of it. Click this for a little of my backstory.
For me it was first- learning to figure out the things I could control. Like, taking care of myself. I ate the ranch & still do to maintain my healthy lifestyle. Cultivate those healthy habits to help build the mind muscle. Gratitude, personal development, daily movement, & that so important quiet time.
Move around. Guess what, you are not stuck where you are at in the world of education. You do not need to spend a ton of money for a fancy degree to have a title you think will solve your hate for being in the classroom. Move a building, grade level, subject. Just move until you find your fit. It took me 14 years before I finally found a place that I can say I truly love.
Dip into the Ranch. Find a community of other educators
who are like you. If you are in a negative mindset then
dip into some positivity. Dip into a podcast on mindset
& personal growth. Just find your something & dip.
EduTwitter is a great place to start. (Monday night #tlap . party is my fave, 8pm CST) Not sure what #tlap is...no worries, you can read a tad about it here.
This is where Ranch can be your extra. When you have dipped enough you start to realize that you only hated the dumb stuff that you were surrounded by - Lack of resources, no problem. I'll figure out another way over that speed bump. Naysayers & negative Nancy's...I've got this because I've dipped & am still dipping into the words that build my mind muscle up to push that nonsense outta the way. A solid morning routine helps too. I know, I know, you're not a morning person. Me either. I have no business talking or looking at anyone before 7 a.m. This will most likely be a later post. IEP's, I got nothin' for that one besides embrace the suck, throw on some gangsta' rap, & just get em' done. Kids & the "stuff" they bring with them to school that sometimes you lose sleep over...yeah, that stuff. The real stuff that get's ya right in the heart. You are slowly learning you are right where you should be & that your purpose is to now let other's dip into your Ranch. You can now be the listener without bringing all the baggage home. Still worry yes. Because that is what we do when we care about another individual.
So here is what I'm saying. You don't have to give up Ranch to move yourself forward, to find the joy in your purpose & eat the veggies that you know you need to eat. Use the Ranch and double dip if you need to - into the stuff that can bring joy into your life & remind you of why you started in the first place. Then, guess what?! You can share your ranch...in a separate bowl, of course.
There are sucky things that are out of our control. But, if you can't control it, figure out how to add the Ranch. I can't control the taste of veggies but I can add the ranch to make them edible in order to fuel my body. I can't always control the work environment & I can't control school funding but I can choose my squad & I can problem solve different ways to get my stuff funded. Chicken wings are bomb without Ranch but when the ranch is added it's like...BOOM. So, eat the DANG Ranch & make like a chicken wing & share your Ranch because sharing is caring.
Twitter @teach_n_boots
PS. Resources for how I am implementing #daringclassrooms can be found in the resource section. I'm adding to it as we work through it. The convos have been absolutely amazing!
As always, don't forget to subscribe (I'm working on trying to figure out that pop up box so you don't have to search for how to subscribe.)